Prix en

Loan offer

Vente Appartement à
Référence : 816
Type de l‘annonce : Vente
Type du bien : Appartement

Adresse : Siliana

Appartement à vendre à

Hello have you being looking for a real money lender for years this is an opportunity for you to meet with a real licensed and registered money lender, we give out loans to the following business organization:companies, banks, individual, businessmen and women and governmental organizations,our services are real for peoples who need financial assistance to start up a business or to invest on a business that is already in existence. so we are very much ready to render our services to any of these business organization listed above we promise you will never regret our service.Contact details bellow
Email: [email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Phone: +234-7064-736-954
Fax: +14-870-035-0741

Business And personal Loan Offer

Nombre de pièce(s) :
Nombre de salle(s) de bain :
Nombre de salle(s) d'eau :
Année de Construction :
Surface habitable :
Surface Totale :
Nombre de place de Voiture :
Numéro / Nombre d'étages :
Orientation :

Caractéristiques : Meublé

Contacter l'annonceur :

Ajoutée le : 24/10/2009

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Appartement à vendre à Siliana
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